• rayingxie@qq.com
  • 021-59831029
قائمة الفئات

شبكة الصرف المركبة

قائمة المنتجات

Composite drainage network (also called Geocomposite Drainage Mat, Drainage Geocomposite,  Geocomposite Drainage Layer, Geonet-geotextile Drainage Geocomposite) is available in both single-sided and double-sided products with geonet core thickness from 3mm to 10mm, and geotextile fabric ranging from 100gsm to 300gsm. This drainage network has excellent liquid transmittivity ability. It can be widely used in a lot of تطبيقات الصرف مثل مكب النفايات والجدران الاستنادية والسدود والجسور ومعالجة مياه الصرف الصناعي والأساس وما إلى ذلك. It can combined usage with other geosynthetic lining products such as ورقة غشاء أرضي HDPE, قماش التكسية الأرضية, جيوجريدto meeth the engineering projects design requirements for drainage, leak control, separation, reforcement and not limited on these aspects.

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